Innisfail 4H Multi-Club


Innisfail 4H Multi-Club

Recent Updates:

  • 4H speeches are coming up! On the 28th of January, running from 1 till 3.
  • We recently changed our names to Innisfail Multi-Club instead of nails, needles, and noses.


Reasons to Join 4H:

  • Develop Leadership
  • Make New Friends
  • Learn Responsibility
  • Learn New Skills
  • Have Fun
  • Add To Your Education


Our Pledge:

We pledge our head to clearer thinking

  • In 4H, we seek to develop the the children’s intelligence by pushing each other past our limits.
  • We also learn that failure is an opportunity to grow instead of a reflection of our character.

My heart to greater loyalty

  • We make new friends and stick by them no matter what.
  • We learn to be loyal to our community, country, and people of the world.
  • We accept everyone for their uniqueness and what they have to offer.

My hands to larger service

  • Their are many community service hours and opportunities to serve the people of our towns.
  • We also learn to use our hands for many important skills that teach us ways to improve our lives.

My health to better living

  • We use our able bodies to assist the people who struggle with health or other challenges.
  • We also put our time into making crafts that help people survive.

For More Updates On Our Club: